Thursday, June 23, 2016

Stage Six: Comment on a colleague’s work #1

On June 20th, 2016, one of my fellow classmates, Karlie Fitzsimmons, put up an entry titled Blog Stage Five: Don't Vote for Trump on her blog the Youth of Our Government. Fizsimmons argues that Trump is ultimately up to no good for America, that he is only an impulsive, vindictive racist man. Although it seemed like her argument was very biased as she only criticized Trump and failed to mention the flaws of Clinton as well, her argument was very convincing through the way she organized and supported her claims. By adding a rhetorical question "How can Americans be confident in someone who can’t even handle their own money when we as a nation are 19 trillion dollars in debt?" she even made me question whether Trump is really fit for the office. In addition her use of other sources from USA Today, Huffington post, and even Trumps own book, has made her appear as a knowledgeable individual who knows quiet a bit about Trump. Reading her blog, I've put together that Trump is a threat to every U.S Citizen, the Democratic party, our economy, our relations to other countries, and to other races in even our country.
Although I think she could have mentioned why Clinton is a better candidate by comparing Clinton directly with Trump to strengthen her argument, and to convince even some Trump followers to re-evaluate both Trump and Clinton, I find that her argument was more than sufficient enough in expressing Fitzsimmon's thoughts.

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